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Of storms and hope

Of storms and hope

Ronan Keane

There’s a common misconception that the Cape of Good Hope lies at the southern tip of the African continent. In reality, the point where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans me... »

Resurrection replicate

Resurrection replicate

Ruth Davidson

Nature often speaks to us of God’s creation in allegorical symbols, such as the most miraculous event in history—the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Resurrection Plant,... »

What Heaven is like

What Heaven is like

Maria Fontaine

Have you ever wondered what happens to you after you die? What’s in store for you when you get to the “other side”?—If there is another side. Is there a heaven? If so, wh... »

The cross

The cross

Sally García

Around Christmas last year, a Jewish friend of mine shared a photo from Israel, where three symbols were erected on an outdoor display, supposedly representing the three... »

My brush with death

My brush with death

Ruth Davidson

For many of us, death is a subject we don’t want to even think about, much less talk about. Nevertheless, we must all pass through its portal sooner or later, “for dust y... »

Shaken by life’s changes

Shaken by life’s changes

Question: I prefer stability and routine to big changes and drama, but the latter seem inevitable. That’s unsettling. How can I learn to handle changing circumstances so... »

Eternal moments

Eternal moments

Rosane Pereira

I was once traveling in a van full of people, including my oldest daughter, her husband, and my two-year-old granddaughter, Sharon. When Sharon got fussy, I moved to sit... »

Natalie’s Sunday school

Natalie’s Sunday school

Li Lian

I first met Natalie years ago at a large construction company where she worked as an accountant. A colleague of hers had shown her the Activated magazine, and then told u... »

The night he laughed

The night he laughed

Koos Stenger

I was awakened in the middle of the night by an unfamiliar sound. I looked around the room. My wife was still sound asleep, her steady breathing reassuring me that everyt... »

Forgiveness first

Forgiveness first

Marie Alvero

Mark’s gospel tells us about a paralyzed man who Jesus healed. Jesus was teaching in a room so crowded that the man’s friends had to make a hole in the roof and lower him... »

Always and forever

Always and forever

Message from Jesus

I pour forth My love constantly, without end, but how much you see and feel My love depends on your faith—how much you look for it and recognize it in the innumerable way... »