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Try a Little Kindness

Editor's Introduction

Courageous kindness. That is the theme of this Activated issue. What do we mean when we talk about courageous kindness? It can be... »

A Glimpse into Prayer

Editor's Introduction

It would be unrealistic to think we could cover the colossal subject of prayer in one edition of Activated. But, while the subject... »

A Compass for Life’s Journey

Editor's Introduction

The Bible covers God’s revelation about Himself, His love for humanity, the means of salvation, and the relationship He wishes to... »

A Marathon, not a Sprint

Editor's Introduction

Interesting things happen as you grow older, one of which is that you slow down. Maybe not by choice, maybe not even consciously a... »

Is Finding Peace Possible?

Editor's Introduction

The famous Russian playwright Anton Chekhov once wrote: “We shall find peace. We shall hear angels. We shall see the sky sparkling... »

From Jesus with Love

Kindness in Action

From Jesus with Love

I am the God of the universe, the Creator of all things, both great and small, and yet I came to this earth to... »

Your Good Shepherd

From Jesus with Love

When you feel tired, anxious, or overwhelmed, come to Me and you will find relief from the worries and cares t... »

The Lighthouse

From Jesus with Love

My Word is like the beacon of a lighthouse, shining in the darkness to guide vessels through the sometimes dar... »

Running the Race

From Jesus with Love

If two people line up to run a race and one has prepared and practiced and built up his muscles while the othe... »

Personal Accounts

The rewards of giving

Personal Accounts

I live in a nice neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro, far from the city center and close to nature. My house is 1,3... »

Loving those in need

Personal Accounts

In Luke 14:16–24, Jesus told a parable about a man who “gave a great banquet and invited many” and he sent his... »

The friendship book

Personal Accounts

I bought a little book at a secondhand fair titled The Friendship Book. The author, H.L. Gee, under the pseudo... »

Your last day

Personal Accounts

Here’s a question for you: How would you live if you knew this day was your last day on earth? This question i... »

The kind deed that backfired

Personal Accounts

I don’t know a time when my heart had felt quite so hurt. I had done a favor for a friend, and now I heard tha... »

My one

Personal Accounts

What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he has lost one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the ope... »