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The friendship book

The friendship book

Sally García

I bought a little book at a secondhand fair titled The Friendship Book. The author, H.L. Gee, under the pseudonym of Francis Gay, published one every year beginning in 19... »

The hope of heaven

The hope of heaven

Sally García

“To everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. A time to be born, and a time to die,” wrote Solomon [[Ecclesiastes 3:1–2]]. It seems that thi... »

Love loves the unlovely

Love loves the unlovely

Sally García

In every classroom there is a student who is harder to love than the others; the rougher kid, the sullen kid, the disobedient kid, the one that is always out of step with... »

Christmas hope

Christmas hope

Sally García

In February 2010, an earthquake and tsunami struck Constitución, Chile. The next Christmas, some friends and I planned to take boxes of aid to the many families who were... »

He remembered

He remembered

Sally García

“I met one of your former students at a party last night. We were talking about you,” wrote a friend of mine in an email. “He told me that you taught him to read.” Immedi... »

The pillar that moved

The pillar that moved

Sally García

Every once in a while, my husband mentions another move he’s thought of, and I feel my stomach tighten. They say women are “nesters,” and sure enough, for me moving usual... »

Tools for life

Tools for life

Sally García

Maria Montessori was born in Italy in 1870. As a young adult, she had an inquisitive mind and was on a path that would open the door for modern education. Within her stud... »

The faithful One

The faithful One

Sally García

One of my favorite verses comes right around the middle of the Bible: “It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in people.”[[Psalm 118:8 NLT]] The entire psa... »

Amazed, treasured, and pondered

Amazed, treasured, and pondered

Sally García

[After hearing the angel announce the birth of Christ, the shepherds] hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger.  When they had see... »



Sally García

I often feel discouraged with the state of the world. I read the newspaper and watch the evening news report and sometimes I get just plain upset! Why is there so much di... »

The cross

The cross

Sally García

Around Christmas last year, a Jewish friend of mine shared a photo from Israel, where three symbols were erected on an outdoor display, supposedly representing the three... »

My war with the mirror

My war with the mirror

Sally García

My body and I have been at war for as long as I can remember. “Voluptuous” was in vogue when I was a teen, but back then, I was as skinny as a bean pole. But by the time... »

The joy of learning

The joy of learning

Sally García

“The world is so full of a number of things, I’m sure we should all be happy as kings.” This line, inviting us to a world of exploration, was penned by Robert Lewis Steve... »