Something for everyone
In the Bible we read account after account of people who were accustomed to conversing with God. For example, Noah received detailed instructions to build the ark, comple... »
In the Bible we read account after account of people who were accustomed to conversing with God. For example, Noah received detailed instructions to build the ark, comple... »
Recently my young son was ecstatic to receive a new school pencil—just a regular, old-fashioned, orange, made-in-China pencil. He beamed as he proudly showed it to me and... »
When Jesus’ disciples sought to know when He would return and His kingdom would be established, they went to Him privately and asked Him, What will be the sign of your co... »
A few days ago, I was in a hurry and passed by a middle-aged man sitting on the sidewalk between a church and a hot dog stand. I heard a voice in my conscience say: Stop!... »
I was listening to a podcast this morning on the topic of friendship. The speaker was talking about when he was going through a difficult time, and when he received some... »
Do you ever feel like you’re spinning your wheels and going nowhere? Consider this: We are hurtling through space at a fantastic speed and don’t even realize it because w... »
When I was a teenager, I learned an important lesson on gratitude and positiveness. It came while working in a home for the elderly, where I was helping to take care of t... »
I’ve had to eat my words so many times that I’ve finally stopped saying the word “never.” Almost every time I vowed, “I’m never going to do that!” I ended up doing just w... »
Remember back when waiting was a thing? When strawberries were only available during strawberry season. When letters took weeks to arrive at their destination. When we tr... »
When I was on earth, I told My disciples that I was going before them to prepare a place for them in My Father’s house, so that where I am, they would be also (John 14:2–... »