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In step with God

Editor's Introduction

On a recent family visit I took a walk around the neighborhood with my grandson and had a great opportunity to hear some of his de... »

Let’s build bridges

Editor's Introduction

When it comes to relationships, we can choose to build walls or to build bridges. Our biggest challenges in life often come in the... »

Being proactive in prayer

Editor's Introduction

As we contemplate the new year we might feel a bit of trepidation, but God, who sees tomorrow with infinite clarity, whispers to u... »

Calling of an Ambassador

Editor's Introduction

A story is told of William Gladstone (1809–1898), a famous Christian who was England’s prime minister four times and one of the mo... »

The essence of Christmas

Editor's Introduction

The beauty of Christmas seems to have been lost in many parts of the world. Longtime traditions have been dropped to give way to f... »

From Jesus with Love

Dwelling in His presence

From Jesus with Love

Your work and life on earth is but for a moment in comparison to the infinite span of eternity. Your earthly s... »

Loving others as I have loved you

From Jesus with Love

Behold what manner of love I have for you, that while you were yet sinners, I died for you (Romans 5:8). So gr... »

Faith for the journey

From Jesus with Love

Your faith journey is all about scaling life’s mountains. It takes pressing on toward the goal to win the priz... »

As My Father sent Me

From Jesus with Love

As My Father sent Me, so send I you. I send you out into a world of hurt and loss, pain and suffering, heartbr... »

Personal Accounts

Show up

Personal Accounts

My husband and I recently started going to the gym on a regular basis. For years I have worked out at home whe... »

Algebra and prayer

Personal Accounts

For the last few weeks, I have felt like God has kept saying no. It seems like my prayers just aren’t good eno... »

The cornerstone of faith

Personal Accounts

Nurturing a deep personal relationship with Jesus is the cornerstone of our Christian faith. We can cultivate... »

Jesus and Jim

Personal Accounts

The story is told of a certain minister who was disturbed to see a shabbily dressed old man go into his church... »

No barriers

Personal Accounts

I often have friends ask me to pray for them in matters pertaining to their personal lives. One friend even st... »

It’s not odd, it’s God!

Personal Accounts

My friend Michael has a favorite saying for when God does something inexplicable in answer to prayer: It’s not... »