Prepared for the battle
When preparing for the new year, I was reminded that life is a battle, a fact which is supported in the Bible. There are many verses where warfare, battles, weapons, figh... »
When preparing for the new year, I was reminded that life is a battle, a fact which is supported in the Bible. There are many verses where warfare, battles, weapons, figh... »
I was listening to a podcast this morning on the topic of friendship. The speaker was talking about when he was going through a difficult time, and when he received some... »
What proof do we need before we will believe that God exists? For the person determined not to believe, almost anything, no matter how amazing or extraordinary, will even... »
Henry Ford once said, “If you think you can or if you think you can’t—you’re right.” This mirrors a truth found in the Proverbs: “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he”... »
I’ve always believed that prayer is not only speaking to God, but seeking His guidance as well, and then taking the time to listen to His still, small voice [[see 1 Kings... »
The Bible likens our lives to a race run before thousands of spectators: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everythi... »
The Philippines is often hit by typhoons and other natural disasters. Sometimes these cause great damage and loss of life. About 12 years ago a typhoon hit a city in the... »
On the side of forgiving others, a lot has been published in recent years on the psychological and emotional benefits of being able to forgive. It can free a person from... »
I once heard a person say that we should be "thermostat Christians,” not “thermometer Christians.” I was puzzled, so they explained. A thermometer Christian is one whose... »
Each month I try to reflect on what I have been able to accomplish in my mission work and personal life. This month has had some trying moments and a few disappointments... »
I once read a story about an Indian pearl diver who refused to be convinced by his friend, a foreign missionary, that salvation could be as simple as accepting Jesus as h... »