Jesus, the Risen Savior
Johanna-Ruth Dobschiner was a young Jewish woman who survived the WWII German occupation of the Netherlands by hiding in attics and behind false walls in the homes of the... »
Johanna-Ruth Dobschiner was a young Jewish woman who survived the WWII German occupation of the Netherlands by hiding in attics and behind false walls in the homes of the... »
I believe in resurrection. I believe in butterflies bursting out of the death grip of cocoons. I believe in seeds from dying flowers falling into the ground to be reborn... »
Why the Resurrection Makes All the Difference Every time we celebrate Easter, we are commemorating God’s gift of salvation. In His love for humanity, God made a way for u... »
Recently we bought a 1960s tiny house as an investment property. I honestly wonder if we are good investors because this little house project hasn’t gone as we had hoped.... »
On the side of forgiving others, a lot has been published in recent years on the psychological and emotional benefits of being able to forgive. It can free a person from... »
If Thomas could tell us what he experienced when Jesus was crucified, buried, and rose from the grave, his account might go something like this... A lot of people read th... »
“To everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. A time to be born, and a time to die,” wrote Solomon [[Ecclesiastes 3:1–2]]. It seems that thi... »
Part of my ministry involves offering comfort and encouragement to those who are going through difficult times. For most people, suffering the loss of a loved one is an i... »
This time of year, we have a unique occasion—a celebration of suffering. It is both a solemn time and a joyous time, for we mark the terrible death and the glorious resur... »
My first memories of Easter are from preschool; we learned a sweet song about a funny rabbit to sing for our parents. Later, at Sunday school, when we watched movies abou... »
I love you. It’s just that simple. I know you and everything about your life and experiences, and I care for you. I understand the challenges of life that you face every... »