There’s a story, possibly apocryphal, about an American woman whose son was appointed Minister to the Court of Saint James’s, the term for an ambassador to the United Kin... »
There’s a story, possibly apocryphal, about an American woman whose son was appointed Minister to the Court of Saint James’s, the term for an ambassador to the United Kin... »
One late Saturday afternoon, I decided to go shopping at a nearby mall. As part of my daily walking routine, I wanted to see if I could make it there on foot. However, I... »
You may have heard the story of the man who was trapped in a flood and had a vision of God’s hand reaching down from heaven and lifting him to safety. As the water starte... »
Every once in a while, my husband mentions another move he’s thought of, and I feel my stomach tighten. They say women are “nesters,” and sure enough, for me moving usual... »
I once heard a person say that we should be "thermostat Christians,” not “thermometer Christians.” I was puzzled, so they explained. A thermometer Christian is one whose... »
At 3:00 a.m., I was outside under a clear starry sky, bundled up and carrying a flashlight and two plastic bags. Tagging at my heels were two eight-week-old German shephe... »
I was submitting some legal paperwork, and to my dismay there were several discrepancies in my documents. Something that at first appeared easy to rectify instead took se... »
Much is made these days about learning from failure and defeat. Setbacks are good because they make us reflect on our life and what we need to change, and they drive us t... »
There are moments when the earth's beauty parallels the glories of heaven, when you look at your surroundings with awe and know there is a God who loves and cares about y... »
It all started when my brother called me early in the morning to tell me that my mother had been rushed to the hospital in a sudden emergency. Later, he called to tell me... »
One morning not long ago, it all went wrong. We had a full day scheduled from dawn to dusk. First on the list, help our neighbor put up a canopy. I was up early and alrea... »
“I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!”—John 15:11[[NLT]] Fear not when the problems and challenges you face a... »