The secret
At the time Paul wrote his letter to the church in Philippi, he was languishing in a Roman prison, yet in his introduction, he describes true happiness not as him being r... »
At the time Paul wrote his letter to the church in Philippi, he was languishing in a Roman prison, yet in his introduction, he describes true happiness not as him being r... »
One busy day, I was trying to get my boys to their computer classes on time when we realized that we couldn't find one of their textbooks nor the house key. More frayed n... »
A good executive is not a boss—he is a servant! Jesus wasn’t just trying to teach His disciples humility when He said, “Whoever desires to become great among you, let him... »
A friend of mine told me that when she was young, even though her family was close and they loved one another very much, fairness was always an issue. She said that when... »
On the way home after an evening outing with some friends, I asked my youngest if he had a good time. “Sort of,” he answered. “But the kids on the playground were teasing... »
I have a neighbor who is a very good handyman. A while ago, he did some work for us in the house but seemed to be very grouchy and out of sorts. When I tried to help or g... »
It’s my 20th year living and working in the former Yugoslavia. I also lived here earlier, right after President Tito died in 1980. His pictures were still hanging everywh... »
“Disciple Making: Training Leaders to Make Disciples,” [[© 1994 by Billy Graham Center Institute of Evangelism]] cites an imaginary report to Jesus from the Jordan Manage... »
Good listening takes effort. Notice the traits of the people whom you enjoy talking to, the good listeners. They show their interest with their eyes, posture, and the way... »
The small cafeteria at our workplace was abuzz with chatter. Colleagues sat in groups and the room was humming with conversation. That morning I felt I had little to cont... »
I teach you how to have love through My own example. For every great miracle I do for you and all those who love Me, I do countless tiny things that you may barely notice... »