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In God’s time

In God’s time

Anna Perlini

“Let us not grow weary or become discouraged in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap, if we do not give in” [[Galatians 6:9 AMP]]. The first time I read that v... »

The road to peace of mind

The road to peace of mind

Anna Perlini

A while ago, I went through one of those periods in life that seem to be overloaded with stress. There was a major crisis and tension on the work front, and all this spil... »

No fear in love

No fear in love

Anna Perlini

How envious I was of the people who could! Not only strong men and women, but even children and the elderly seemed to enjoy it so much and feel so at ease in it, whereas... »

The paths we take

The paths we take

Anna Perlini

In my search for meaning and truth in life, like most young people, I was also faced with the challenge of finding a purposeful direction for my life. Which way would I g... »



Anna Perlini

Attics are amazing places. Every once in a while, I visit my parents’ attic, and in spite of repeated cleanups and giveaways, it’s still full of hidden treasures. Once I... »

The view

The view

Anna Perlini

Fourteen years ago, I was invited to a farewell party a friend was hosting for quite a large number of friends and acquaintances. I had never been to her house before, an... »

A rural idyll?

A rural idyll?

Anna Perlini

Everyone has times in their life when they feel that they’ve reached bottom and that things couldn’t possibly get worse. For me, one of these times happened when I found... »

The game of hearts

The game of hearts

Anna Perlini

How about playing a game where you compete only with yourself and get to do some good in the process? How about the “Game of Hearts”? Last year, my daughter discovered he... »

Wednesday meetings

Wednesday meetings

Anna Perlini

You wouldn't think he was speaking to a gathering of elderly people, some in wheelchairs, some unable to talk, others afflicted by dementia or Alzheimer’s. His hands gest... »

Birthday messenger

Birthday messenger

Anna Perlini

On my birthday, I often experience mixed feelings—on the one hand, I wish I could escape to a lonely island; on the other hand, the extra attention does feel good. Either... »

The forgiveness chain

The forgiveness chain

Anna Perlini

I’ve always been impressed by people who can forgive. When I was a kid, it was that friend at school who didn’t get back at others when they made fun of his awkward ways... »

A yearly appointment

A yearly appointment

Anna Perlini

One day about three years ago, my father invited his five children, married and parents themselves, to accompany him and my mother to the Holy Land. He was already 85 and... »

The star singers

The star singers

Anna Perlini

When my children were young, we read about an old tradition that existed in various parts of Europe since the Middle Ages. Groups of children and young people would go ho... »