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Following heroes

Following heroes

Anna Perlini

I was ten years old when I first heard of Albert Schweitzer, and I was really impressed by his dedication—to the point that I started contemplating becoming a doctor like... »

Eddy and the earring

Eddy and the earring

G. L. Ellens

Sometimes the greatest heroes are actually the unsung little ones who live their lives with quiet courage. By their example, they leave an indelible mark. Eddy is one of... »

It’s my fight

It’s my fight

Mara Hodler

The movie Shenandoah is set during the American Civil War. It’s a moving story of a Southern family caught up in the conflict of the day. The patriarch of the family, Cha... »

Two lives to imitate

Two lives to imitate

Rosane Pereira

My grandmother Sabina was a saint that I had the privilege to meet personally. She had no birth certificate, but went to school long enough to learn how to read well. She... »

Olympic faith

Olympic faith

The 2016 Summer Olympics held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, had some truly exciting moments. Athletes from 28 sports and 41 disciplines amazed us with their talent, audacity... »

Unsung heroes

Unsung heroes

Chalsey Dooley

God alone is aware of the vast quantity of heroic deeds taking place each day. If plaques were given for each, there wouldn’t be enough space on all the walls in the worl... »

What really counts

What really counts

Koos Stenger

I dreamed that I was invited to a luxurious banquet. Everything around me shone with glory and splendor. Crystal goblets were filled with the best wines and all my favori... »

The day the bouncer broke 

The day the bouncer broke 

Jewel Roque

I was thrilled to be a new mother again. Allen was one of those happy, mellow little guys. I would put him in his bouncer, and he would be happy to sit there, awake or as... »

The long dark night

The long dark night

Joyce Suttin

I had walked to the health store, ten blocks from home, to pick up some vitamins. Though I loved walking and made this trip often, something felt different that day. I ha... »

A piece of peace

A piece of peace

Michele Roys

Have you ever had one of those days where it seemed like the world was against you, and where it looked like everything that could go wrong, went wrong? It was February 2... »

Communication with God 

Communication with God 

Keith Phillips

“God finds ways to communicate with those who truly seek Him,” Christian author Philip Yancey wrote, “especially when we lower the volume of the surrounding static.” Near... »

God’s to-do list

God’s to-do list

Phillip Martin

I’ve always been an accomplishment-oriented person. I prided myself in knowing what to do, having my to-do list all prioritized, with the most important tasks highlighted... »

The smallest coin in the world

The smallest coin in the world

Anna Perlini

Just before I left for India, where I was going to spend a number of years as a volunteer, a friend gave me a very original and, I thought, useful farewell present. “I’m... »