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Here first

Here first

Jorge Solá

My three-year-old son was playing an educational game on the computer when his six-year-old sister demanded that he let her have a turn. His response was typical. “I was... »

Seeking to understand

Seeking to understand

Marie Story

The Prayer of Saint Francis says, “Master, let me not seek … to be understood, [but] to understand.” It’s not always easy to understand others. Each person comes with a d... »

How should a Christian react?

How should a Christian react?

Alex Peterson

How should a Christian react to wrong and evil?—Like Christ reacted in similar circumstances. Jesus chose to overcome evil with good, and so can we, as the Bible teaches... »

Cast a wide net

Cast a wide net

Marie Alvero

I love doing something kind when it really hits the spot. I will spend hours finding the perfect birthday gift to give a friend, or the exact right thing to say in a text... »

The best year

The best year

Rosane Pereira

Last year, I struggled with the decision of whether or not to spend New Year’s Eve with my family in Niteroi, Brazil. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d spent a night... »

Nine how-tos of change

Nine how-tos of change

Keith Phillips

1  Take stock and set goals. Make a list of the areas you want to change in and what you can do to bring those changes about. Putting goals and plans in writing will help... »

Small beginnings

Small beginnings

Iris Richard

Countless stories and parables are told of small beginnings that lead to greater ends. This is my own small beginnings story. It was a comment from a stranger that got me... »

Learning to follow

Learning to follow

Steve Hearts

Several years ago, I directed a youth singing group that consisted mostly of teenagers. They were all talented musicians and singers, and my job was to help further their... »

Dying grace

Dying grace

In this stage of my life, the subject of death seems to pop up more frequently than before, and it’s not always a happy thought. As Christians, we know that death isn’t t... »

The paths we take

The paths we take

Anna Perlini

In my search for meaning and truth in life, like most young people, I was also faced with the challenge of finding a purposeful direction for my life. Which way would I g... »



Marie Alvero

Today I’m sitting at my desk, looking out my window at what may be one of the last of summer’s best days. The first cold front is expected next week, and I’m already brac... »

The abalone and me

The abalone and me

An abalone is a shellfish that sticks to rocks in coastal waters. It’s a gastropod, which means that its stomach is its foot—it walks on its stomach. And apart from its s... »

Wings from weights

Wings from weights

There is a beautiful stained glass window in the historic Wesley’s Chapel in London, inscribed with these words: “If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the utt... »