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The pearl diver

The pearl diver

Simon Bishop

I once read a story about an Indian pearl diver who refused to be convinced by his friend, a foreign missionary, that salvation could be as simple as accepting Jesus as h... »

Shiny new shoes

Shiny new shoes

Koos Stenger

“I don’t want those shoes!” I whined. “I want those!” I pointed to another pair, which to my inexperienced six-year-old mind seemed a lot better than the ones both the sa... »



Keith Phillips

The evening of December 9, 1914, an explosion set fire to a large scientific laboratory in West Orange, New Jersey. At least ten buildings were destroyed, along with year... »

Times of change

Times of change

Amy Joy Mizrany

One of the biggest challenges of the modern world is the rate of changes that affect our lives. In a constantly swirling cycle, trends are born and die faster than ever,... »

A joyous reunion

A joyous reunion

Joyce Suttin

My dad jokes about death more than anyone I have ever known. He is 94 and says he never dreamed he would live this long, outliving my mother by 30 years. He jokes that ma... »

Aging and changing

Aging and changing

There is often a misconception that the older we get, the less malleable and willing to change we are. I’ve been seeing that it is often quite the contrary! As we age, ou... »

Treasures in the desert

Treasures in the desert

Steve Hearts

Over the years I’ve learned that walking with God is anything but predictable. The terrain we traverse with Him can vary from day to day. He does indeed lead us through p... »

Deserted phone booths

Deserted phone booths

A city where I used to live is dotted with deserted public telephone booths. Obsolete and derelict, they stand silent and empty, eerie reminders of their former usefulnes... »

Number my days

Number my days

Marie Alvero

Psalm 90 is a beautiful prayer by Moses that includes the line, “Teach us to number our days so we can have a wise heart.”[[Psalm 90:12 CEB]] I think what it’s saying her... »

Our world

Our world

Keith Phillips

The Bible tells us that when He had finished creating the heavens and the earth, “God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good.”[[Genesis 1:31]] Then... »

Under the cross

Under the cross

Rosane Pereira

A few years ago, I had a scary experience. I was coming to the end of a very full week and was already exhausted, when my daughter called from Chile explaining how she an... »

I think I get it

I think I get it

Jessie Richards

I boarded the plane that would take me home from a visit to Toronto, Canada. A gentleman came and sat in the seat beside me, talking on his iPhone. I recognized his South... »