11 ways to say “I love you”
If you’re looking for ways to make those you love feel special and appreciated, here are a few ideas to get you started. Put it into words. Those three little words—“I lo... »
If you’re looking for ways to make those you love feel special and appreciated, here are a few ideas to get you started. Put it into words. Those three little words—“I lo... »
In my high school literature class, we studied Jean-Paul Sartre’s play No Exit, in which hell’s occupants are confined to a room and have nothing to do but engage in frui... »
Death is part of the life cycle, not the end of life. This is evident throughout nature, but perhaps nowhere more clearly than in the example that Jesus gave His disciple... »
The Bible tells us, “Do not be shaped by this world.”[[Romans 12:2 NCV]] It also tells us to “become all things to all people.”[[1 Corinthians 9:22 ESV]] At first glance,... »
“We have to pay for school lunches this year,” my daughter informed me after the first day of school. I already knew this. During the previous school year, the school dis... »
How envious I was of the people who could! Not only strong men and women, but even children and the elderly seemed to enjoy it so much and feel so at ease in it, whereas... »
The pages of history and fiction are populated by the labors, sacrifices, and heroic deeds of countless men and women who were rewarded in a variety of ways, ranging from... »
—An account of Jesus’ arrest as told by the high priest’s servant, Malchus The past 24 hours have been disturbing, terrifying, wonderful. It started with an order from Ca... »
I’m the gal who likes to read the last page of the book. I like to know the ending before I commit to reading the entire story. I enjoy looking up spoilers while watching... »
Recently, while I was waiting for my appointment in the lounge of a local business, I watched a large screen displaying the company’s products. Each one was given a “befo... »
I once read a story about an Indian pearl diver who refused to be convinced by his friend, a foreign missionary, that salvation could be as simple as accepting Jesus as h... »
“I don’t want those shoes!” I whined. “I want those!” I pointed to another pair, which to my inexperienced six-year-old mind seemed a lot better than the ones both the sa... »
The evening of December 9, 1914, an explosion set fire to a large scientific laboratory in West Orange, New Jersey. At least ten buildings were destroyed, along with year... »