The greatest moment
I’ve always thought it was fitting that Jesus’ crucifixion took place on a hill. His cross was raised above the pathways and bustle. You had to travel up to it, you had t... »
I’ve always thought it was fitting that Jesus’ crucifixion took place on a hill. His cross was raised above the pathways and bustle. You had to travel up to it, you had t... »
There’s a lot of pain in this world. The topic of human suffering winds its way through every period of history as we collectively try to understand its causes. Specifica... »
I like to say that I don't get stressed. It's true that I'm not a very stressful or stressed-out person. But the truth is that while I don’t often get stressed over event... »
Not long ago, I had a large project to work on from home. It was my responsibility and there was an urgent deadline. Just a couple hours in, however, I began feeling a du... »
Spend quality time in God’s Word.[[See Romans 10:17.]] Read it, listen to it, memorize it, meditate on it. “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it... »
A retelling of Matthew 8:23–27, as told by a disciple. No one could tell stories like the Master—stories of soil and sheep, a lost coin and a lost son, wise and foolish s... »
Our daily life is made up of habits and routine, which can greatly help us to accomplish our life’s goals, provided those habits are good ones. Positive habits are a grea... »
When my husband went on an extended business trip for nearly three months, I found out what challenges single parents face. It was a big adjustment to have to keep up wit... »
Like life itself, the Bible is full of triumphs that could just as easily have ended in disaster. If the heroes in those stories had turned and run the other way, who cou... »
Something precious happened at Sunday school today. After teaching my class of younger children, I went to host the Q&A session with the older children. Today, there... »
The weather had been dark and rainy, and I felt just as gloomy. It happens to us all, I guess. As I sat at my desk, I remembered it was the birthday of a longtime friend—... »
Some say that happiness is what we make it. The more time I spend with a certain friend, the more I’m convinced that’s true. Several years ago, he was a successful busine... »