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What Heaven Is Like

What Heaven Is Like

Maria Fontaine

Have you ever wondered what happens to you after you die? What’s in store for you when you get to the “other side”?—If there is another side. Is there a heaven? If so, wh... »

The God of hope

The God of hope

Peter Amsterdam

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope” [[Romans 15:13]]. When we read the Gosp... »

Thanking God in advance by faith

Thanking God in advance by faith

Maria Fontaine

In the last few years, I’ve faced various situations where I had no idea how they could possibly be solved. Sometimes, it seemed as if they didn’t have solutions. However... »

The search for meaning

The search for meaning

Once when I was talking to a travel agent, our conversation moved to spiritual topics and the existence of God. “I don’t believe in God,” she said. “If there is a God, wh... »

Rainbows from rain

Rainbows from rain

Maria Fontaine

Many normal natural things in life are seen positively by some people but resented by others. Take a rainy day, for example. Some might complain about it, while others mi... »

Rediscovering joy

Rediscovering joy

Peter Amsterdam

Most of us experienced the cumulative impact of the COVID pandemic on our everyday lives throughout the past few years. For some of us, this resulted in a lessening of ou... »

Catch the boat

Catch the boat

Maria Fontaine

You may have heard the story of the man who was trapped in a flood and had a vision of God’s hand reaching down from heaven and lifting him to safety. As the water starte... »

The teenager

The teenager

Marie Alvero

There are hundreds of books and blogs on raising children. You can find umpteen ways to sleep train your baby, wear your baby, feed your toddler, teach kids to read, and... »

The good Samaritan

The good Samaritan

Peter Amsterdam

Many of us are familiar with the parable of the good Samaritan in Luke 10:25–37. However, because we live in cultures very different from that of first-century Palestine,... »

The uniqueness of Jesus

The uniqueness of Jesus

Alex Peterson

To historians, the facts regarding Jesus are as definite and evident as those of Julius Caesar. Not only do we find an accurate portrait of Him in the documents of the Ne... »

Learning to champion change

Learning to champion change

Maria Fontaine

When we face times of change, we can often feel and see God moving and working in our lives, as change is in the air all around us! When He’s the one pointing us in a new... »

Priorities in marriage

Priorities in marriage

Maria Fontaine

I recently read about Tim Keller, a well-known author, counselor, and pastor, who was diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer in May 2020. I admired the attitude he m... »