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The parable of the Sower

The parable of the Sower

When speaking to the multitudes, Jesus often taught them in parables, seemingly simple stories about everyday events, circumstances and concepts that His listeners could... »

Walking in the love of Christ

Walking in the love of Christ

Peter Amsterdam

In the book of 1 John we read the short but profound statement that “God is love” (1 John 4:8). John goes on to explain that “in this the love of God was made manifest am... »

In partnership with God

In partnership with God

Success. Goals. Achievement. These are words we hear frequently—more so at the beginning of a new year. People may define success in many different ways, whether in relat... »

Sharing the Good News

Sharing the Good News

Maria Fontaine

The most important thing when it comes to your witness is your love for Jesus and the lost, and having the faith that the Lord will work through you as you reach out to s... »

Ambassadors for Christ

Ambassadors for Christ

Peter Amsterdam

As Christians, we are called to put our faith into action and reach out to weary and troubled hearts, the disadvantaged, downtrodden, and needy. Jesus came to serve, and... »

A Savior for all people

A Savior for all people

Peter Amsterdam

On the night of Jesus’ birth, in the hills near Bethlehem, shepherds were watching over their flocks. Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the... »

Waiting for the Master

Waiting for the Master

Peter Amsterdam

When Jesus’ disciples sought to know when He would return and His kingdom would be established, they went to Him privately and asked Him, What will be the sign of your co... »

God never fails

God never fails

Each of us, at some point in our lives, has experienced deep disappointments when things just didn’t work out as we had hoped or expected, and perhaps we were tempted to... »

The path of discipleship

The path of discipleship

Peter Amsterdam

“Who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began”... »

Spiritual growth

Spiritual growth

Peter Amsterdam

If you want to be physically fit, you have to eat right, exercise, and put some time and effort into building good physical habits. Similarly, if you want spiritual growt... »

The game of life

The game of life

Peter Amsterdam

We aren’t meant to go through life alone. Throughout our lives, we develop networks of people who we depend on and who depend on us. As babies, we are 100% dependent on o... »

Our identity in Christ

Our identity in Christ

Maria Fontaine

What makes up our identity? We are born into this world with many traits, such as gender, ethnicity, nationality, and various strengths and weaknesses. Our culture and en... »