An acquired taste
Every December 31st, millions of people with the best intentions in the world make resolutions to change something about themselves over the coming year. If you were one... »
Ronan Keane is the executive editor of the Activated magazine.
Every December 31st, millions of people with the best intentions in the world make resolutions to change something about themselves over the coming year. If you were one... »
Through this journey called life, we experience good, bad, ups, and downs, and often we haven’t got a clue what’s ahead. We make the best choices we can and try to live c... »
One of my favorite Christmas stories is about an elderly cobbler who dreamed one Christmas Eve that Jesus would visit him the next day.[[This version was adapted and shor... »
According to an allegory that can be found in various places on the internet, there was once a dark cave deep in the earth that had never seen light and couldn’t imagine... »
Most of us have a number of different roles or titles by which we’re known—parent, child, student, coworker, teammate, spouse, friend, for example. Each of them sheds som... »
I don’t know about you, but I’ve been thinking a lot about the state of the world lately. The last few years have been anything but easy for most people, and intros to pr... »
The Bible is full of stories about new beginnings and starting anew. God knows that living in a fallen world isn’t easy, and He understands that we will go astray and lon... »
In a well-known parable, a storm hits a small town, which is quickly flooded. As the waters rise, the local preacher kneels in prayer on the church porch, surrounded by w... »
Most of us struggle with negative thinking at some point in our lives. We put ourselves down for real or imagined faults and weaknesses, or we compare ourselves negativel... »
At an art contest on the theme of peace, most of the competitors contributed tranquil scenes of lazy days in the countryside, where all was stillness and harmony. To be s... »
One day, somebody asked Jesus to arbitrate in a legal dispute between him and his brother. Jesus wasn’t interested in getting involved in their squabbles over an inherita... »
There’s a common misconception that the Cape of Good Hope lies at the southern tip of the African continent. In reality, the point where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans me... »