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Perfect timing

Perfect timing

Today I was reminded of a miracle God did in answer to prayer. I am sure He answers my prayers every day and those of billions of others around the world; it’s just that... »

The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer

Peter Amsterdam

When Jesus’ disciples asked Him to teach them how to pray, He taught them what is known as the Lord’s Prayer [[Luke 11:1]]. He said: “Pray then like this: ‘Our Father in... »

Lord, Teach Us to Pray

Lord, Teach Us to Pray

Marie Alvero

Recently I received a call from my daughter, who was a few hours away with her friends; they were going to attend a concert. They had excitedly purchased tickets months i... »

Hearing God’s Whispers

Hearing God’s Whispers

Simon Bishop

I’ve always believed that prayer is not only speaking to God, but seeking His guidance as well, and then taking the time to listen to His still, small voice [[see 1 Kings... »

Prayer pointers

Prayer pointers

Natalia Nazarova

Variety is the spice of life. This certainly has proven to be true in my prayer life. Here are a few things that have worked for me at different times. Prayer list. When... »

Why I follow Jesus

Why I follow Jesus

Rosane Pereira

When I was about 13, troubles in my family, a friend dying in a car accident, and the influence of an atheist teacher caused me to doubt the existence of God. So, I decla... »

Getting Closer

Getting Closer

Uday Paul

On a recent trip to Greece, I visited the Areopagus in Athens. Thousands of years ago, this rocky knoll was the site of a judicial court that had extensive authority over... »

Why is God taking so long?

Why is God taking so long?

Question: I’ve been looking for a new job, but so far without success. If I have prayed and am doing my part, why isn’t God helping me? Answer: The way God works in our l... »

The power of a simple prayer

The power of a simple prayer

Joyce Suttin

It seemed like an eternity since we had last prayed together in our home, but the Lord had a plan for renewing our relationship with Him. I was surprised at how uncomplic... »

Your Good Shepherd

Your Good Shepherd

Message from Jesus

When you feel tired, anxious, or overwhelmed, come to Me and you will find relief from the worries and cares that tumble about you. As you cast your cares on Me in prayer... »