Loving One Another, the Key
Recently, in a popular newspaper column, a well-known visual artist was asked: “Is there any belief that you have been liberated from?” She answered that, although she ha... »
Recently, in a popular newspaper column, a well-known visual artist was asked: “Is there any belief that you have been liberated from?” She answered that, although she ha... »
Every week we work with local charities, delivering donations of food and clothing. For a while, among these donations we also received flowers. Not just a few flowers ei... »
Although most of us have heard the term “good Samaritan,” we may not be aware of who the Samaritans were and the enmity that existed between the Jewish people and the Sam... »
A friend and I sat down for lunch in a restaurant. When our waitress came to serve us, we both noticed that she did so with very little joy, as if she was annoyed at havi... »
Love can break down the strongest walls, love can bridge the widest gaps, love can melt the coldest hearts. I have had the privilege of witnessing the power of love in ac... »
When I first began reading the Bible, a word that captured my attention was “lovingkindness.” I felt warm inside when I read passages like the following: “I will betroth... »
The many stories Victor Hugo weaves in Les Misérables are powerful and memorable. My favorite one is about the ex-convict Jean Valjean and a small-town bishop. After bein... »
Receiving the sad news of the death of our friend Willie, and thinking about the times we were able to help this dear man who’d had a tough lot in life, I was reminded ab... »
In every classroom there is a student who is harder to love than the others; the rougher kid, the sullen kid, the disobedient kid, the one that is always out of step with... »
If I could sit down with twenty-three-year-old me, newly married, careening into motherhood, oh, there’s so much I would tell that girl! Young me had a somewhat unrealist... »
Many will be surprised when they enter My heavenly kingdom to see the great importance of the often-hidden, unseen acts of kindness, the giving of one’s time to love and... »