An adventure with God
Most of us have a number of different roles or titles by which we’re known—parent, child, student, coworker, teammate, spouse, friend, for example. Each of them sheds som... »
Most of us have a number of different roles or titles by which we’re known—parent, child, student, coworker, teammate, spouse, friend, for example. Each of them sheds som... »
I was listening to Frankie Miller singing “A Long Way Home” when the lyrics took on personal meaning. Oh, it’s a long way home In the night alone When your songs are all... »
The Gospel of Luke tells of Jesus’ surprising interaction with Zacchaeus, a Jewish man who was a chief tax collector for the Roman government. Jesus entered Jericho and m... »
I’m privileged to lead a weekly Sunday School group of children between the ages of 9 and 13 in a low-income settlement just outside our city in Cape Town. Teaching them... »
It’s sometimes called the most human of instruments, because it has the noble mission of expressing our deepest emotions. It sings in its deep vibrant voice to touch our... »
The workplace can be a challenging and competitive arena. Too often, honesty and hard work can lose out to the pursuit of a quick buck and me-first politicking. But there... »
I vividly remember the day in my early twenties when I was sitting in the comfortable living room of my upper-middle class home and felt a void and restlessness within me... »
I often feel discouraged with the state of the world. I read the newspaper and watch the evening news report and sometimes I get just plain upset! Why is there so much di... »
The book of Ecclesiastes is a wonderful read when I get overwhelmed with the big questions—what’s the meaning of life, what does God want from me, how should I react to t... »
When I was a schoolgirl, I remember hearing a melancholic song that contained the lyrics, “Why was I born; why am I living?” At the time, I couldn’t imagine why anyone wo... »
My Word is like the beacon of a lighthouse, shining in the darkness to guide vessels through the sometimes dark and stormy sea of life and into My safe harbor. I placed i... »