Volume 22.10 | October 2021

How to eat a bison
“I just can't do it; it's too much work for me!" Robbie cried with despair in his eyes. I'd been helping to homeschool Robbie from first grade, and at the start of second... »

Reason to celebrate
All throughout history, people have marked great advances, victories, and momentous occasions with celebration—some of which continue till today, such as birthdays, anniv... »

The hobbit mirror
I finally got around to changing something that had discouraged me for years. We had put a rather cheap, full-length mirror on the back of our bedroom door some years ago... »

The reward of faith
“Oh, my lord, what shall we do?” Elisha’s servant asked. The king of Aram (present-day Syria) was at war with ancient Israel and had sent an entire army to the city of Do... »

Climbing Mount Dinara
It had been a long, busy summer with many projects and activities focused around keeping our Croatian volunteer center functioning smoothly, and my husband Paolo and I we... »

Overcoming today
I spent a lot of my youth traveling on public transport. The buses in Poland were often so crowded that you could literally be held up by the crowd without putting any we... »

The will to live
Last year, during one of our aid projects in a poor community, we met Benson, a young freelance reporter. He offered to take some professional photos for our website. On... »

A sound mind
I am by nature something of a worrywart, almost constantly preoccupied with one worry or another. I am also a multitasker. I can do just about anything and worry at the s... »

The climb to victory
The rugged climb doesn’t dissuade the determined mountain climber; he revels in the challenge. Nothing can stop him from pressing on until he reaches his goal. No adversi... »