The right choice
At two years of age, my daughter Audrey has entered the delightful world of making choices—and making them known, usually, it seems, as loudly and emphatically as possibl... »
At two years of age, my daughter Audrey has entered the delightful world of making choices—and making them known, usually, it seems, as loudly and emphatically as possibl... »
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.—Ephesians 4:32 ESV Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge t... »
I use the GPS on my phone all the time. For someone like me, who’s always on the move, life is so much easier with easy clear directions. But I also remember the sinking... »
What do a record-breaking tightrope-walker, a martial arts expert, and a successful businessman have in common? They have learned self-discipline. In each of their profes... »
I had just moved to Winnipeg, Canada, and the Internet connection at my apartment had yet to be installed, so I was on my way to a nearby café to get online and do some w... »
The prodigal son is probably one of the better known of Jesus’ parables. [[See Luke 15:11–32.]] It tells of a young man who leaves home, goes astray, regrets his decision... »
Victor Hugo’s literary classic Les Misérables tells the story of Jean Valjean, whose already difficult life is brought down by one lone decision when he steals a loaf of... »
“I wish you had been born a boy!” I don’t know how many times I heard my mother say that as I was growing up. I understand better now, considering her own upbringing and... »
Recently I came across a familiar Bible verse, which I’ve read, heard, and even quoted hundreds of times, but when meditating on it, thinking of its practical application... »
Long discussions regarding possible changes made the future seem foggier by the day. Several years earlier, my husband and I, together with a few friends, had founded a h... »
Perfect decisions are few and far between; however, a great decision is always possible! Great decisions don’t all have fairytale endings, but they do achieve the best ou... »
I want you to live a meaningful life—one that both you and I will be proud of. You are the one who is ultimately responsible for your life, the one who must make the righ... »