Finding heroes
I love to hear about heroes, and I don’t think I’m alone in this. Ever since an unknown Mesopotamian author thought up Gilgamesh’s quests, or Homer sang of Achilles’ war... »
I love to hear about heroes, and I don’t think I’m alone in this. Ever since an unknown Mesopotamian author thought up Gilgamesh’s quests, or Homer sang of Achilles’ war... »
Right after graduating from high school, two friends and I decided to travel around the western Mediterranean. It was 1969, and the streets of Europe were filled with you... »
One thing that seems to be unique to the Bible is how the “heroes of faith”—with the exception of Jesus, of course—were far from perfect men and women. As the saying goes... »
You may not feel great or as if you have hero-like qualities of your own; even the apostle Paul lamented, “I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out... »
“You are the salt of the earth.”—Matthew 5:13 As Christians, one of the things we strive for is to be agents of change in the lives of others and ultimately in society. T... »
I was watching some small children play soccer (football). They were only five or six years old, but they were playing a real and serious game. There were two uniformed t... »
Andja was born in 1962 in the former Yugoslavian republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. When war broke out in the 1990s, Andja’s family fled as refugees to Vojnic, a small t... »
It could be said that there are many types of heroism. First, the everyday heroic acts that are performed by unsung heroes that step in to save the day in ways that we in... »
I remember when I formed you. With great care and special attention I handpicked each talent, each gift, each characteristic, each fiber of your being, until the combinat... »