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Hiding place

Hiding place

Steve Hearts

In the tempestuous, stormy moments of our lives, we often focus so intently on finding a way of escape or rescue that we altogether forget about the most reliable and tru... »

Sharing the balm of love

Sharing the balm of love

Dennis Edwards

Some years back, at midnight on March 17—Saint Patrick’s Day—I received a call from my 27-year-old son’s roommate in Bermuda. My boy was missing, and his clothing had bee... »

The bookmark

The bookmark

Jas Sinclair

I’m sitting here staring at the side of my computer screen, where I’ve stuck one of the cutest little bookmarks I’ve ever owned. It has a picture of a mother hugging a li... »

Jewels of the deep

Jewels of the deep

Mara Hodler

Always on the lookout for something pretty, I noticed a small nugget of smooth glass as I walked along the beach. When it’s smooth and polished, an ordinary piece of glas... »

Tears and mends

Tears and mends

Rosane Pereira

When I was a child, my mother used to keep a pile of clothes to mend, mostly belonging to us kids, by the sewing machine, and she would patiently work on them every Satur... »

Out of my comfort zone

Out of my comfort zone

Iris Richard

Recently, I had the uneasy feeling that I needed a change, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on what it was. I had a nagging feeling, but I didn’t make much effort to do... »

Farewell to an old friend

Farewell to an old friend

Abi May

My elderly mother was on the phone. “The next time you visit, would you mind looking in the garage? Your brother is helping clean it out, and he came across some of your... »

One man’s trash

One man’s trash

When we lack faith, we miss miracles that are trying to be delivered to us. Life is a lot about having the faith to see possibilities that others might overlook. Take app... »



Anna Perlini

It never ceases to amaze me how Lidija, a dear friend of mine, can turn garbage into works of art. As a volunteer, she runs a day center called Koraci (Steps) and organiz... »

Like a dog with two tails

Like a dog with two tails

Koos Stenger

There she was at the door, jumping up and down for joy, barking and wagging her tail, as if to say: "He's back!” After a long and tiring day, I received the most wonderfu... »

Beckoning me onwards

Beckoning me onwards

Rosane Pereira

I grew up in a Christian family, but at 13 I became an atheist. When I was 18, I left my hometown of Rio with a backpack and set off to see the world. I visited the Briti... »

The therapy room

The therapy room

Anna Theresa Koltes

A friend of mine recently had a traumatic experience. While at work, a dog bite took off part of her finger. Weeks of pain, surgeries, casts, pills, anesthesia … and it s... »

A life above the ordinary

A life above the ordinary

Virginia Brandt Berg

The secret of drawing closer to God is prayer and communion with Him through meditating on His Word. But it’s not just quickly opening your Bible. I'm sure that the failu... »