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God’s Delays Are Not Denials

God’s Delays Are Not Denials

Each of us has experienced disappointment when things didn’t work out the way we wanted them to, and if we had prayed for that outcome that didn’t happen, we were doubly... »

Faith Now and Forever

Faith Now and Forever

Maria Fontaine

We can go through life and miss some of the things that God is trying to teach us if we don’t intentionally seek to learn from God. Some things are obvious, but others ar... »

The Joyful Heart

The Joyful Heart

Marie Alvero

As followers of Jesus, “grateful” should be our default setting when we consider that Jesus died to redeem us from an eternity of being separated from God. This should pu... »

The rewards of giving

The rewards of giving

Rosane Pereira

I live in a nice neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro, far from the city center and close to nature. My house is 1,300 meters from the main road. Since the buses only drive on... »

Loving those in need

Loving those in need

Andrew Heart

In Luke 14:16–24, Jesus told a parable about a man who “gave a great banquet and invited many” and he sent his servant to “go out quickly to the streets and lanes of the... »

The friendship book

The friendship book

Sally García

I bought a little book at a secondhand fair titled The Friendship Book. The author, H.L. Gee, under the pseudonym of Francis Gay, published one every year beginning in 19... »

Your last day

Your last day

Marie Story

Here’s a question for you: How would you live if you knew this day was your last day on earth? This question is presented in hundreds of motivational books, seminars, and... »

The kind deed that backfired

The kind deed that backfired

Amy Joy Mizrany

I don’t know a time when my heart had felt quite so hurt. I had done a favor for a friend, and now I heard that he thought I had malicious feelings towards him. For reaso... »

My one

My one

Marie Alvero

What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he has lost one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the open country, and go after the one that is lost, until he finds... »

Controlling a raging fire

Controlling a raging fire

Chris Mizrany

I’ve always had a busy mind and a quick mouth. When I was younger, I used it as a self-preservation mechanism to deflect attention from my own lacks or faults. I found my... »



When I was a little girl, I went to my first circus. There, before my awestruck eyes, were three rings in full action—performing animals in one, and acrobats leaping and... »

Perfect timing

Perfect timing

Today I was reminded of a miracle God did in answer to prayer. I am sure He answers my prayers every day and those of billions of others around the world; it’s just that... »

Lord, Teach Us to Pray

Lord, Teach Us to Pray

Marie Alvero

Recently I received a call from my daughter, who was a few hours away with her friends; they were going to attend a concert. They had excitedly purchased tickets months i... »