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Getting an early start

Getting an early start

Rosane Pereira

I recently took my teenage son to an ecotourism project in the big Complexo do Alemão group of favelas [slums] in northern Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. There are cable gondola... »

Worth it!

Worth it!

Isabelle de Rive

We recently organized our first puppet show for children visiting their fathers in the toughest men’s penitentiary in Mexico City, the prison for inmates who have lost al... »

Hymn in the gym

Hymn in the gym

Chris Mizrany

This morning I dragged myself out of bed. The sun isn’t even fully up, so why should I be? As I mulled over that pithy logic, I dressed, grabbed my bag, and trudged out t... »

A legacy

A legacy

Anna Perlini

He was once quite tall and carried an air of confidence and authority wherever he went. When he was young, he dedicated every spare moment, including his holidays, to Chr... »

The common denominator

The common denominator

Keith Phillips

I wish you could meet three people who each made a big impression on me this past year. The first was a waiter’s assistant who cleared my table from his wheelchair with s... »

A joyful work environment

A joyful work environment

Jessie Richards

On a recent day off, I spent the better part of the day at the zoo. It’s been a long time since I’ve gone to a zoo. Animals are fascinating and a lot of fun to observe, a... »

Until the shadows flee

Until the shadows flee

Joyce Suttin

The other night, I was awakened by a phone call that needed my urgent attention. Pulling myself from deep sleep, I had to quickly dress, grab my car keys, and run out the... »

The sound of silence

The sound of silence

Daveen Donnelly

My morning routine is a bit like this: My alarm goes off and I lie in bed a moment longer to pray for the day ahead. After getting up, I’ll give my inbox a quick scan, an... »

Drawing on God’s strength

Drawing on God’s strength

Allan Tabaro

Just before Christmas a few years ago, I was involved in a car accident that almost took my life. I sustained a spinal cord injury to my T4 vertebra, leaving me paraplegi... »

Jesus is my walkthrough

Jesus is my walkthrough

Computer games have always been a part of my life. I can remember playing with my younger brother until the joints in our thumbs hurt. My favorite ones to play were extre... »

He cares!

He cares!

Koos Stenger

I had sung Frank E. Graeff’s hymn, “Does Jesus Care?” many times before and always felt comforted by its grace and beauty. But the words really came to life after our one... »

Changing landscapes

Changing landscapes

Joyce Suttin

I was driving home today and missed my turn. I’m familiar with the neighborhood and have turned into that street thousands of times. But I was confused by the changing la... »