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Jessie Richards

I absolutely love avocado! Along with being delightfully delicious, it is a versatile fruit. Not to mention that it’s outstandingly healthy—one of the best sources of nat... »

The seasons of life

The seasons of life

Mara Hodler

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” [[Ecclesiastes 3:1 NIV]] This is a big life lesson. It is really good news … and not... »

Fruity lessons

Fruity lessons

I was recently fascinated to read how scientists learned how to make more effective waterproof products such as raincoats and airplane parts by studying the ridges on but... »

Birthday mango

Birthday mango

Anna Perlini

My son Jonathan was born in a small Indian village, during the time my husband and I were serving there as volunteers. Like many Indian kids, he grew up eating rice, dahl... »

A meaningful life

A meaningful life

Mag Rayne

My grandmother wasn't a career woman. In fact, she only held a job for six years in her entire life. When she got married, she and my grandfather couldn’t afford for both... »

Meanings and purposes

Meanings and purposes

Jessie Richards

For as long as I can remember, I’ve felt strongly that I needed a purpose, a “mission,” a life plan. It’s both part of my natural personality type and how I was brought u... »

The hiding place

The hiding place

Koos Stenger

When I was born, only a few years after WW2, Holland was still getting back on its feet, and the aftermath of the war and occupation was still visible. I grew up hearing... »



Mara Hodler

How about those moments when life is moving along smoothly, it looks like you have a good view of where things are headed, you’re making progress … and then all of a sudd... »

From mundane to marvelous

From mundane to marvelous

Elsa S.

One of my favorite novels is C. S. Lewis’s The Horse and His Boy, one of the seven books in The Chronicles of Narnia series. The heroine, Aravis, is a princess trying to... »

What God does for me

What God does for me

When I came in for my nursing shift in the department for Alzheimer’s sufferers, one patient was very agitated and wouldn’t sit still. I could have given her some medicat... »



Ravi Singh

Many people do not even hope to find love and joy, for both seem impossible to them; however, they would give everything in exchange for peace. Some people think money ca... »

Creation and soul healing

Creation and soul healing

Robert Stine

Living in a big city can take its toll on our spirits, minds, and bodies. The crowded conditions, the selfishness, the barrage of media, the stress of normal life, relati... »

Walking with God

Walking with God

Sally García

In the very first chapters of Genesis, we read of an enigmatic character, Enoch. Though we know little about him now, it seems that Enoch was well-known in Jesus’ time, a... »