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When your son is caught sleeping

When your son is caught sleeping

Jewel Roque

On the way home after an evening outing with some friends, I asked my youngest if he had a good time. “Sort of,” he answered. “But the kids on the playground were teasing... »

Learning from the hurt

Learning from the hurt

Anna Perlini

It’s my 20th year living and working in the former Yugoslavia. I also lived here earlier, right after President Tito died in 1980. His pictures were still hanging everywh... »

Talking vs listening

Talking vs listening

Iris Richard

The small cafeteria at our workplace was abuzz with chatter. Colleagues sat in groups and the room was humming with conversation. That morning I felt I had little to cont... »

The way out 

The way out 

Keith Phillips

In a 1968 episode of the original Star Trek, the crew of the starship Enterprise encounters an intergalactic species whose lives are far more fast-paced than those of the... »

Speed up, slow down

Speed up, slow down

Curtis Peter van Gorder

The books on the shelf have similar titles: Slowing Down Modern Life, The Rush Culture, Putting a Price on Speed … Most everyone agrees that contemporary life is lived in... »

10 tips for excelling at work

10 tips for excelling at work

Tina Kapp

We build our work with our attitudes and actions day by day. Here are some thoughts to keep in mind if we want to excel in our jobs. Volunteer. In the old folk tale of th... »

When work is play

When work is play

Catherine Neve

Believe it or not, young children like to help out. It’s true! Children actually enjoy and take pride in being helpful until they are “taught” otherwise. It’s only when t... »

The counselor

The counselor

Maria Silva

I’m a perfectionist. I like to do things well and thoroughly, no matter how much time it takes. In my decision-making, I’ve come to recognize that my main motivation is a... »

Almost a marriage

Almost a marriage

Anna Perlini

For nearly 20 years, I’ve been with the same team running an NGO in the former Yugoslavia. “A marriage!” some people have commented. Yes, in a way it is. It has required... »

Building a life 

Building a life 

An elderly carpenter was ready to retire, and he told his boss of his plans to leave and live a more leisurely life with his wife. He would miss the paycheck, but he need... »

The bus ride

The bus ride

Mag Rayne

One typical rainy spring evening in Rijeka, I was sitting on bus number 18 going home after a long day—at least, I thought it was bus 18. There were about 30 other passen... »