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Another kind of hero

Another kind of hero

Elsa S.

When I was an idealistic fourteen-year-old, I read a biography of David Brainerd. I loved reading about missionaries like David Livingstone, C. T. Studd, and Amy Carmicha... »

Better than a light

Better than a light

Steve Hearts

This earth life is commonly seen as one big highway, winding its way through plains, hills, mountains, valleys, and tunnels. I’ve encountered all of the above plenty of t... »



Marie Alvero

Christians often say things like “You need to have faith,” or “Faith means knowing that God will do it,” or “Trusting means you’re not afraid” or other such phrases that... »

After the bullets stopped

After the bullets stopped

Uday Paul

I was going through a tough period. People who had offended me were frequently on my mind, and I found myself almost exploding with resentment and anger. The only thing b... »

I’m sorry

I’m sorry

Sally García

For years I monitored children during recess and playground activities. Between all the running, jumping, rowdiness, and good-natured play, someone would often end up get... »

Power to forgive  

Power to forgive  

Stella Sabiiti

I discovered the power of forgiveness on a July afternoon in 1976. It was during the Idi Amin regime, when Uganda had come to a standstill—careers, the economy, the infra... »

Life and tetris

Life and tetris

Marie Story

I love playing the tile-matching video game Tetris. The reason I like it is that I can plan it all out by looking at the pieces that will come up next, and as they come d... »

Forgiveness as God sees it

Forgiveness as God sees it

Marie Alvero

Jesus told a story about forgiveness that pokes at my heart and conscience every time I hear it. [[See Matthew 18:21–35.]] It tells of a good king whose accountant brough... »

My mistake

My mistake

Elsa S.

I generally consider myself a forgiving and “nice” person, but I had an experience in my sophomore year that tested my ability to forgive. My classmate Matt and I were pa... »

Facing change and trimming trees

Facing change and trimming trees

Joyce Suttin

The tree trimmers finally showed up. I’d been nervously waiting for them, both looking forward to them pruning my trees and also terrified of what the outcome might be. I... »

The end of her part

The end of her part

Elsa S.

Vanessa waved at me as the doors shut, and I watched the train whisk away a friendship of six years. Vanessa and I had met in junior high school, and our common interest... »

The gift of lack

The gift of lack

Marie Alvero

Last year was a rough one. Not terrible, just trying. Our family faced lots of challenges regarding work, health, and finances, and I’ve been hoping that things will be e... »