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The purpose

The purpose

Marie Alvero

It was summer and I was on a youth mission trip on the northern coast of Poland. As our trip came to a close, our base in Warsaw was sending a van to pick most of us up,... »

My tapestry

My tapestry

Iris Richard

Have you ever felt like life took you down the wrong road, or that things just weren’t meant to work out for you? There was a time when my life didn’t seem to make any se... »

A new identity

A new identity

Uday Paul

One of my favorite movies is the 1967 classic Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner. The movie was released at a very sensitive period in American history when race relations were... »

Grandpa’s smile

Grandpa’s smile

Joyce Suttin

He lay covered in white hospital sheets, hooked up to a tangle of tubes and wires. As I approached, I barely recognized him—the pasty skin, the sunken cheeks—but when he... »

The passion of the Christian

The passion of the Christian

Chris Mizrany

Each year, when Easter comes around, I find myself overwhelmed by the thought of what Jesus went through for us. So much suffering, anguish, and pain He took in the hours... »

God’s gift to me

God’s gift to me

Amy Joy Mizrany

I’ve always especially liked Easter. While Christmas is a celebration of joy and excitement for the entire world to take pleasure in—even non-Christians—I feel Easter is... »

Easter joy

Easter joy

Lily Neve

Last Easter Sunday, I baked a lemon cake for a small group of friends gathering at my place to read the Easter story. We followed along in our Bibles, stopping to discuss... »

Easter traditions

Easter traditions

Easter is one of the most important Christian festivals of the year, celebrating Jesus’ resurrection three days after His crucifixion. Some Easter traditions in various c... »

Fully loved

Fully loved

Marie Alvero

When my youngest was a toddler, each night I would put her to sleep in her own bed. Sometimes this was an easy job and my tired little one would be asleep in minutes; som... »

Worth forty thousand

Worth forty thousand

Tina Kapp

There are two opposite attitudes in life. Some people’s motivational attitude inspires them to work harder and be better. They also have a knack for inspiring others to b... »

The problem truck

The problem truck

Li Lian

Have you ever been stuck behind a truck in the middle of rush-hour traffic? The sight of a dirty truck, loaded down with an assortment of rusty metal objects and black, o... »

The golden trait

The golden trait

Roald Watterson

I’ve been watching the TV series The X Factor, in which singers across the United States participate in a talent show contest where the winner will be awarded a multimill... »