My jenga tower
One of my favorite games involves pulling things apart. It’s a high-risk game, as no matter how awesomely you’re doing, things can go wrong very quickly, and then it’s al... »
One of my favorite games involves pulling things apart. It’s a high-risk game, as no matter how awesomely you’re doing, things can go wrong very quickly, and then it’s al... »
There have been lots of charismatic and visionary leaders and CEOs throughout history, but none of them come close to topping the world-changing importance of Jesus Chris... »
Take a close look at the two guitars pictured below. If you were a guitarist, which would you pick up to play? Probably the one on the top with the straight frets (the th... »
At a workshop I attended, art and drama therapist Emily Nash[[Emily Nash is the founder and director of Therapeutic Arts Alliance Manhattan, a forum offering workshops an... »
Recently, I came to a wholly and thoroughly unsurprising conclusion: I am not good enough. Now, of course, I know that no one can ever be “good enough” in this life. What... »
Today I get the privilege of hosting five families for dinner. We’ve known each other for the better part of our lives, and tonight we’ll all come together in joyful comm... »
Throughout my life, I’ve received my share of (well-deserved) consequences for wrongdoing. But more than once, I didn’t get what I deserved. Instead, I received mercy. On... »
Years ago, I was in a complicated and unpleasant work situation with one of my coworkers. Things didn’t improve, and I was relieved when he eventually moved on. Some time... »
My favorite taste is sour—sour candies, pickles, anything with lemon, sour cherries, you name it—I love it! Some people may prefer savory, or sweet—or the newcomer to the... »
Recently, I was reviewing my past, thinking about choices I made, and I began to blame others for how some things had turned out. I blamed my parents for the decisions th... »
“Forgive us the wrongs we have done, as we forgive the wrongs that others have done to us.”[[Matthew 6:12 GNT]] The first time I heard that Bible verse, my heart hurt, an... »
Maybe Peter thought he was going to stump Jesus when he asked the question “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me?” He wanted a nu... »
I have always liked the disciple Peter. He made a lot of mistakes, opened his mouth at all the wrong times, didn’t want to have to forgive his brother, and ultimately eve... »