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No regrets

No regrets

Ruth McKeague

One Monday morning, about an hour into the workday, I checked my emails. “Sad” was the subject heading of a personal message, and I opened it up, curiosity piqued. “Sad”... »

Your little light

Your little light

Marie Alvero

One Friday evening a few weeks ago, my husband and I decided to set out some lounge chairs in our driveway and let our neighbors know we would be out there with drinks an... »

Sharing your faith

Sharing your faith

Li Lian

Sharing our faith is something that many of us feel we should do but sometimes don’t know where to start. Here are some helpful tips I gathered from a topical Bible guide... »

Love takes time

Love takes time

Chandra Rees

My husband and I were traveling home after a long weekend away with our family. Our daughters were peacefully sleeping in the back seat, and I found myself reminiscing ov... »

Spread the love

Spread the love

Chris Mizrany

The Bible has lots of advice on the type of people to surround yourself with. “Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble,”[[Proverbs 13:... »

Why change?

Why change?

Uday Paul

Walking around my hometown in India where I grew up and have spent most of my life, I am intrigued by how much the city has changed over the years. What was once a small... »



Marie Alvero

I was one of the hopefuls that started last year with a brand-new planner. 2020 was full of promise, and I thought I had some control over the direction of the year. I ha... »

A parent’s world

A parent’s world

Chandra Rees

I don’t know what planet I was on when I thought that when I became a parent all the skills I’d need would simply “come to me.” It wasn’t long before I realized that pare... »

The gentle weaver

The gentle weaver

Joyce Suttin

I found a beautiful knit cardigan on sale at an exclusive store I was browsing through with my granddaughter. We were in an artsy shopping area enjoying an afternoon toge... »

A rural idyll?

A rural idyll?

Anna Perlini

Everyone has times in their life when they feel that they’ve reached bottom and that things couldn’t possibly get worse. For me, one of these times happened when I found... »



Sally García

Popular messages today teach us to live in the moment, to practice mindfulness, to take a deep breath… But sometimes our moments are more than moments—they stretch out in... »

Squirrel power

Squirrel power

Jo Dias

“Miserable!” That was the only way to describe how I was feeling that day. My husband had had to travel—again!—And there I was alone with our four children. Finances were... »