Eternal moments
I was once traveling in a van full of people, including my oldest daughter, her husband, and my two-year-old granddaughter, Sharon. When Sharon got fussy, I moved to sit... »
I was once traveling in a van full of people, including my oldest daughter, her husband, and my two-year-old granddaughter, Sharon. When Sharon got fussy, I moved to sit... »
I first met Natalie years ago at a large construction company where she worked as an accountant. A colleague of hers had shown her the Activated magazine, and then told u... »
I was awakened in the middle of the night by an unfamiliar sound. I looked around the room. My wife was still sound asleep, her steady breathing reassuring me that everyt... »
Mark’s gospel tells us about a paralyzed man who Jesus healed. Jesus was teaching in a room so crowded that the man’s friends had to make a hole in the roof and lower him... »
It’s interesting to note that the apostle Paul wrote the verse “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good”[[Romans 12:21 NIV]] to the Christians in Rome, be... »
I had read that passage from the Bible I don’t know how many times, and I memorized it years ago. Jesus said, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I wi... »
“The word of God is not bound!”[[2 Timothy 2:9]] the apostle Paul wrote to his young friend Timothy while he was in prison in Rome awaiting his execution. After the Great... »
To know where something is, you often have to find out where it ain’t. This contrast jumped out at me recently while viewing two docudramas. One was The Lost Pirate Kingd... »
The Rev. H. Merriweather, a missionary of the Sri Lanka and India General Mission, was visiting the United States, and the head office of the mission asked him to call up... »
Do you have parents, grandparents, or other loved ones who are suffering from any of the long-term troubles that occur naturally in old age? Here are five ways that you c... »
By May 2020, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic had created serious conditions for thousands of families who live in informal settlements in Kenya and rely on day-labor... »
True justice starts with one truth: every human is made in the image of God. That is what gives us worth. This equalizes us across all the divides of race, gender, abilit... »