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A Soldier’s Great Faith

A Soldier’s Great Faith

In the city of Capernaum in Israel, there lived a prominent officer of the Roman army, a centurion responsible for a garrison of a hundred soldiers. He and his men had ke... »

The Bible and You

The Bible and You

Marie Alvero

A few years ago, I determined to read the entire Bible, cover to cover. I loved discovering the symmetry between the Old Testament and the New Testament. Many of the grea... »

The wall

The wall

Amy Joy Mizrany

My friends and I watched a movie where an overweight, down-on-his-luck man decides, for various reasons, that he wants to run a marathon. He’s a pretty unmotivated guy; h... »

In God’s time

In God’s time

Anna Perlini

“Let us not grow weary or become discouraged in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap, if we do not give in” [[Galatians 6:9 AMP]]. The first time I read that v... »

The marathon of life

The marathon of life

Simon Bishop

The Bible likens our lives to a race run before thousands of spectators: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everythi... »

Finding new hope

Finding new hope

Alfredo Carrasco

Early one morning, a friend phoned me about an urgent situation. His neighbor, Juan, was in serious trouble. He had been falsely accused and the police came to his house... »

Ever present

Ever present

Ruth Davidson

When we find ourselves in difficult circumstances, when our world is shaken and it seems like everything is falling apart, we might be tempted to think that God has aband... »

The value of repetition

The value of repetition

Joyce Suttin

I have been moving from one computer operating system to another and it has been a challenge. I have had to relearn and troubleshoot some things. I am challenging myself... »

Peaceful sailing

Peaceful sailing

It’s important to ponder life from different angles. The details of your circumstances are not the most important thing; what you think about them is. First you think, th... »

Sync with the shepherd

Sync with the shepherd

Marie Alvero

I was on a Zoom call talking to a coworker. Her work was a mess; she was not keeping up, and it was impacting her customers and department. “Tell me what’s going on,” I s... »

You train for it

You train for it

Marie Alvero

It is always amazing when someone has peace in a truly trying situation. I think sports provides a good analogy for how that can happen. You train for it. I’m not a big s... »

Peace in the storm

Peace in the storm

Amy Joy Mizrany

After a busy day of work, my colleague and I had one last stop. We loaded our van with educational materials and headed to drop them off at a little library. This library... »

The power of joy therapy

The power of joy therapy

John Kelly

Truly, “the joy of the Lord is your strength,” and not only can it provide healing for your own personal sorrows, but it can bring great benefits to those you interact wi... »