You’re beautiful
Something precious happened at Sunday school today. After teaching my class of younger children, I went to host the Q&A session with the older children. Today, there... »
Something precious happened at Sunday school today. After teaching my class of younger children, I went to host the Q&A session with the older children. Today, there... »
The weather had been dark and rainy, and I felt just as gloomy. It happens to us all, I guess. As I sat at my desk, I remembered it was the birthday of a longtime friend—... »
Some say that happiness is what we make it. The more time I spend with a certain friend, the more I’m convinced that’s true. Several years ago, he was a successful busine... »
I remember, as a very little girl, looking out across the field behind our home at what appeared to be the perfect tree. I could hardly contain my excitement as I ran to... »
“Having food and clothing, with these we shall be content.”[[1 Timothy 6:8]] Those words went through my mind as I washed the breakfast dishes. Was that even possible? Co... »
Every morning, I wake up and board an express train leaving from fast-track station. As I speed along life’s rails, I stare out the window and think. Where has the time g... »
Yesterday I surrounded my table with friends, and we served a dinner my husband took hours to create. It was a wonderful evening. Also yesterday, headlines read of two se... »
One late Saturday afternoon, I decided to go shopping at a nearby mall. As part of my daily walking routine, I wanted to see if I could make it there on foot. However, I... »
Every once in a while, my husband mentions another move he’s thought of, and I feel my stomach tighten. They say women are “nesters,” and sure enough, for me moving usual... »
I once heard a person say that we should be "thermostat Christians,” not “thermometer Christians.” I was puzzled, so they explained. A thermometer Christian is one whose... »
At 3:00 a.m., I was outside under a clear starry sky, bundled up and carrying a flashlight and two plastic bags. Tagging at my heels were two eight-week-old German shephe... »
I was submitting some legal paperwork, and to my dismay there were several discrepancies in my documents. Something that at first appeared easy to rectify instead took se... »
Much is made these days about learning from failure and defeat. Setbacks are good because they make us reflect on our life and what we need to change, and they drive us t... »