It’s never too late to find hope
I am an amateur gardener, at best, but I love plants and flowers! What I have cultivated well in my flower garden are daffodils and hyacinths. Probably the reason for thi... »
I am an amateur gardener, at best, but I love plants and flowers! What I have cultivated well in my flower garden are daffodils and hyacinths. Probably the reason for thi... »
My 18-year-old niece, Tereza, had just left to go back home. We’d spent a few days together and my heart really went out to her. Her mom has a very difficult progressive... »
It was New Year’s Day and I was doing what I love to do. I sat rather awkwardly in a low rocking chair as I painted a landscape on my easel. Blending colors, I was thorou... »
Sometimes, through no fault of our own, our lives take a different turn than what we had expected. Our first reaction may be to groan, “Why me? Why now?” Often our first... »
While we live in a world full of unrest and uncertainties, it’s wonderful to know that we have a loving Savior who knows our every heartcry, our every need. He fills us w... »
The memory of leaving our home in Mexico City still feels as real today as it did 18 years ago. I remember feeling so much loss! Big dreams we had worked so hard for and... »
The New Year is more than just a marking of time—or at least it can be. Many people see it as an opportunity to make a new start in some area of their lives. Perhaps it’s... »
The Bible is full of surprising and unexpected events, and the Christmas story is no exception. The first chapter of Luke sets the scene. Zacharias was performing his nor... »
In February 2010, an earthquake and tsunami struck Constitución, Chile. The next Christmas, some friends and I planned to take boxes of aid to the many families who were... »
It’s Christmas, and I love to sing! It’s almost a subconscious action at this point—whether I’m walking or sitting or on my phone, I’ll be singing. It’s something I do th... »
I have taken a good hard look at my life this year. Seeing all the stuff I had gathered and realizing how happy others could be if I gave it away, I have simplified and d... »
Our family has a longstanding Christmas Day tradition of sharing tangerines before opening our presents. It’s a way to remember our grandparents and great-grandparents wh... »