Crossroads are a wonderful place to be because you have so many options. You can go forward, return the way you came, or go in a new direction. I use the crossroads of li... »
Crossroads are a wonderful place to be because you have so many options. You can go forward, return the way you came, or go in a new direction. I use the crossroads of li... »
When I came down on Christmas Day, it wasn’t to attend a party or pick up gifts from friends. It wasn’t part of a school field trip, or to get a good deal at a stable. Wh... »
Have you ever had a bad day just because you crossed paths with someone who was in a foul mood? Maybe it was someone on the bus or another customer in a store—someone who... »
It’s tough to change the things that have become second nature to you. But when these things are holding you back, they need to be countered, challenged, and overcome. Th... »
I am always with you, ready and willing to help, direct, comfort, love, heal, and provide for you. I want you to bring Me into every area of your life. I don’t ask this b... »
I love it when you take time to commune with Me. There don’t even have to be words, prayers, or praises involved. We can commune in the spirit if you turn your thoughts t... »
I told My disciples that every hair of their heads was counted and that not one sparrow falls to the ground without My Father knowing about it. I told them that they didn... »
You can’t make the sun come out on a rainy day, but you can work to change the mood around you. Most people feel happier and are more upbeat on a warm, sunny day than on... »
If you reflect on My great men and women who have gone before you—those mentioned in the Bible, and others since that time—you will note how each lived for Me and accompl... »
I teach you how to have love through My own example. For every great miracle I do for you and all those who love Me, I do countless tiny things that you may barely notice... »
There’s so much that you need to do each day, so much that you want to do, and so much that others expect of you. You feel pulled in all directions. Pressure. Tension. An... »
In this coming year, I can help you become more like you want to be. In fact, I can do better than that! I can help you become more like I want you to be. Yes, it will ta... »