Learning meekness
Come to Me when you are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest and teach you how to be meek, like I am.[See Matthew 11:28–29.] The meekness I’m referring to is real... »
Come to Me when you are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest and teach you how to be meek, like I am.[See Matthew 11:28–29.] The meekness I’m referring to is real... »
Faith is believing, faith is hoping, faith is trusting. Faith walks on the water to follow Me and refuses to look at the waves.[See Matthew 14:22–33.] Faith refuses to ca... »
As you take time to be filled with Me, I always replenish your resources. The more you give Me of yourself, the more I can give you of Myself—My love, My power, My anoint... »
There is a special happiness and contentment that comes from putting others and their needs above your own. When you’re doing something kind for someone, it doesn’t just... »
If you’re like most people today, you’re used to moving fast and expecting quick results. The problem with that—or at least part of the problem—is that what was enough ye... »
I can give you peace that defies understanding, [See Philippians 4:7.] that calms storms, and that overcomes stress and worry. The storms may come and the waves may rise,... »
I don’t love you for what you are or what you aren’t. I don’t love you for who you are. I don’t love you for how much you do or how well you do it. I don’t love you for h... »
You need Me. You need what I have to give you. You need My strength, My love, My supply, My protection. I have all this for you and more. I am your life source, and becau... »