Communicating with God in Prayer
Prayer is a key component in our relationship with God, as it is our main means of communication with Him. It is in prayer that we are able to converse with our Creator.... »
Prayer is a key component in our relationship with God, as it is our main means of communication with Him. It is in prayer that we are able to converse with our Creator.... »
One thing that seems to be unique to the Bible is how the “heroes of faith”—with the exception of Jesus, of course—were far from perfect men and women. As the saying goes... »
When we dwell on the goodness of God, His goodness surrounds us and pervades our thoughts and attitudes. When we think faith-filled thoughts and speak faith-filled words,... »
When we read the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ life, something that immediately stands out is that Jesus showed compassion and kindness to people from all walks of life and t... »
When Jesus’ disciples asked Him to teach them how to pray, He taught them what is known as the Lord’s Prayer [[Luke 11:1]]. He said: “Pray then like this: ‘Our Father in... »
Christians who desire a flourishing relationship with God and are interested in spiritual growth recognize that spending time taking in and absorbing God’s Word is of utm... »
The gospels were written a few decades after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ by believers of that day. Thanks to their accounts of Jesus’ story, His life, His... »
In the book of Romans, Paul appeals to believers to “present your bodies as a living sacrifice … which is your reasonable service” [[Romans 12:1 NKJV]]. What does the wor... »
The times we are living in are unprecedented in many ways, due to modern technology, the mass migration of people, and globalization on many fronts. Modern life often lea... »
For the uninitiated, the impression could be that Christianity believes in three Gods—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. But that’s not the case. Christians believ... »
Why the Resurrection Makes All the Difference Every time we celebrate Easter, we are commemorating God’s gift of salvation. In His love for humanity, God made a way for u... »
Although most of us have heard the term “good Samaritan,” we may not be aware of who the Samaritans were and the enmity that existed between the Jewish people and the Sam... »
God’s unconditional love has no bounds, is unchanging and without limitations. It is given freely, no matter what. All of us have sinned, and sin brings separation from G... »