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The prayer principle

The prayer principle

Peter Amsterdam

“Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when He finished, one of His disciples said to Him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray.’” [[Luke 11:1 ESV]] Prayer was an integral part of... »

Bitter or better

Bitter or better

Maria Fontaine

Everyone has times in their past that they look upon as “dark nights”—tragedies or difficulties that were largely beyond their control and sometimes the direct result of... »

In the midst of fire

In the midst of fire

Jewel Roque

Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, and their pal, Daniel, were four young men who might have passed into obscurity if not for some remarkable things that happened in their live... »

The wise and unwise leader 

The wise and unwise leader 

David Brandt Berg

A good executive is not a boss—he is a servant! Jesus wasn’t just trying to teach His disciples humility when He said, “Whoever desires to become great among you, let him... »

Just do it!

Just do it!

Peter Amsterdam

Every day, when you step out the door to go to work or on an appointment, or to take the kids to school or the park, or when you’re at home working or cooking or cleaning... »

On the cusp of the year

On the cusp of the year

Peter Amsterdam

When I come to the end of one year and am on the cusp of the next, I’m generally optimistic about what’s ahead. I like to rejoice in the victories of the past year, the p... »

God outdoes Himself

God outdoes Himself

Ronan Keane

The baby’s first cry rings out, the umbilical cord is cut, and the proud parents and everyone else present—whether it’s an obstetrician and attendants in a gleaming hospi... »

Through a glass darkly

Through a glass darkly

Maria Fontaine

The Bible tells us that we see through a glass darkly. This refers to our limited ability to grasp the full spiritual realities of heaven, but I believe that our limited... »

More than conquerors

More than conquerors

Maria Fontaine

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself, “Why am I here in this life? What does it all mean to me personally?” This is a common question, especially when we’re going throug... »

Slay the dragon!

Slay the dragon!

Peter Amsterdam

Throughout our lives, we encounter situations and opportunities that have potential to open new doors for our future. Sometimes, it’s very clear that God is opening a doo... »

Rocks to roads

Rocks to roads

Maria Fontaine

It’s understandable to look at what’s ahead with some trepidation. Maybe as you look back you see the struggles, uncertainty, and perhaps even setbacks that have shaken y... »