What is success?
For Christians, success cannot be measured simply by money. It’s not about becoming the richest or most famous, but about using the talents God has given us to the best o... »
For Christians, success cannot be measured simply by money. It’s not about becoming the richest or most famous, but about using the talents God has given us to the best o... »
In his very last speech, given in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 3, 1968, the day before he was assassinated, Martin Luther King imagined God asking him what era he would l... »
In this weary world of ours, it’s hard not to be overwhelmed by the recurring bad news of terrorism, war, natural disasters, and suffering. The message of Christmas—peace... »
In the book of Genesis, chapter 12, when Abraham was 75, God promised him descendants. And again in chapter 13. “Some time later,” in chapter 15, God promised him a son a... »
In Greek mythology, Sisyphus was known as a master trickster and the most cunning of men. Eventually, the gods were so displeased with his craftiness and deceitfulness th... »
God has a problem! Lots of people say they believe in God, but they don’t really know who He is. To many children, God is something of a cross between a superhero and a f... »
The Bible teaches that we are responsible to do our best with the talents and abilities that God has given us. [[See the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:14–30.]] He... »
The Bible lets us know that we can expect to go through some difficult times while we’re on this earth. [[See John 16:33.]] The good news is that it also promises that we... »
Like most people, I like predictability. Change can mean stepping into the unknown and losing my comfortable routine, and that's frightening. It also means I have to give... »
Most people understand hope as wishful thinking, as in I hope something will happen. But this is not what the Bible means by hope. In the Bible, hope is used in the sense... »
The other day, someone sent me a list of riddles, which led to the realization that I’m not very good at riddles. I figure I need practice, so I’ve been testing the patie... »
The end of a year is a good time to take stock of things, a chance for us to reflect on all that has happened over the last twelve months. It can be a bittersweet time, a... »
The story of the first Nativity scene is a well-known Christmas staple: Saint Francis of Assisi is traditionally believed to have asked the citizens of the village of Gre... »