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Always with you

Always with you

Ronan Keane

The Bible lets us know that we can expect to go through some difficult times while we’re on this earth.[[ See John 16:33.]] The good news is that it also promises that we... »

An ancient Q&A

An ancient Q&A

Ronan Keane

I’d venture a guess that the Old Testament prophet Habakkuk isn’t very well known nowadays, but he sure knew what it meant to trust in God no matter how badly things were... »

The unusual CEO

The unusual CEO

Ronan Keane

Many Christians who want to uphold Christ and do His work in their daily lives tend to see Him as their boss—a friendly fatherly boss, to be sure, but a boss nonetheless.... »

The spice of life

The spice of life

Ronan Keane

You’ve probably heard the statement many times, “If you don’t like the weather in Whereverville, just wait a few minutes and it will change.” Having lived on several cont... »

Stepping into the New Year

Stepping into the New Year

Ronan Keane

I recently read an anecdote about a teacher who took her primary school students to the assembly hall to attend a presentation. As they waited at the foot of the steps le... »

A time for love

A time for love

Ronan Keane

One of the miracles of Christmas is that even in a modern society, where you often find yourself seemingly besieged by rampant materialism, the true meaning of Christmas... »



Ronan Keane

I recently saw this quote and loved its description of a family: “Families are the compass that guides us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfor... »

Balancing act

Balancing act

Ronan Keane

Have you noticed that it’s rare to find someone who honestly feels that their life is in good balance: their work, their family life, their spiritual life, their daily ch... »

The purpose of life

The purpose of life

Ronan Keane

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you hav... »

Input → Output

Input → Output

Ronan Keane

In computer science and mathematics, Garbage In, Garbage Out describes the concept that flawed or nonsense input data produces nonsense output or “garbage.” In other word... »

The character builder

The character builder

The great American evangelist Dwight L. Moody had a pithy phrase to describe character: Character is what you are in the dark. As Christians, we all want to grow in spiri... »

The answer

The answer

Ronan Keane

Have you ever wondered why it seems that some prayers aren’t answered? Have you even ever, like me, wondered why it seems that it’s your prayers, specifically, that aren’... »

Night vision

Night vision

Ronan Keane

In one of his psalms, King David wrote, speaking to God, “To you, the night shines as bright as day. Darkness and light are the same to you.”[[Psalm 139:12 NLT]] I’ve alw... »