Tender strength
In our series on the fruits of the Spirit, we’ve reached the eighth fruit, named prautes in the original Greek text—and as it turns out, that’s a particularly tricky word... »
In our series on the fruits of the Spirit, we’ve reached the eighth fruit, named prautes in the original Greek text—and as it turns out, that’s a particularly tricky word... »
A while ago, my mom was doing some research into our family’s history and origins, which she then passed on to my siblings and me. She added an image of our surname’s coa... »
I recently came across an interesting verse that fits with this issue’s main theme of goodness. I had read it before, but this time it made more of an impression on me.In... »
In one story Jesus told, a young man left home hoping to make his fortune, but ended up wasting his share of the family’s wealth on wild living. Finally, penniless and hu... »
In one of the most powerful and poetic chapters of the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13, the apostle Paul describes the sort of love Christians are meant to embody: “Love suffers... »
Of all the word pictures Jesus painted, I can’t think of another that engenders the peace of spirit that comes from feeling secure in God’s loving care more than this: “C... »
I was 20 when I first read the gospels. That was also when I began to form my own thoughts about God and Jesus. Until then my beliefs had been sketchy at best and based o... »
The expression “Love me, love my dog” came to life when my wife and I got a puppy—a first for me. We adore Sophie and she adores us. Actually, she adores everyone. She is... »
The New Year is more than just a marking of time—or at least it can be. Many people see it as an opportunity to make a new start in some area of their lives. Perhaps it’s... »