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Light in dark places

Light in dark places

Ronan Keane

In The Fellowship of the Ring,[J.R.R. Tolkien, 1954] the elven “Lady of Light” Galadriel presents Frodo with a crystal phial containing the light of Eärendil’s star. “It... »

Finding heroes

Finding heroes

Ronan Keane

I love to hear about heroes, and I don’t think I’m alone in this. Ever since an unknown Mesopotamian author thought up Gilgamesh’s quests, or Homer sang of Achilles’ war... »

Help in troubled times

Help in troubled times

Ronan Keane

One of the challenging aspects of Christian life is the fact that becoming a follower of Jesus does not make us immune to life’s trials and tribulations. We know that God... »

Pursuing happiness

Pursuing happiness

Ronan Keane

“Do you want to be happy?” The splash on a magazine cover caught my eye and made me chuckle. Surely everyone wants to be happy; and you’d think that after millennia of ph... »

Friendly with God

Friendly with God

Ronan Keane

I think most parents would agree that the highest hopes we have for our children are for their health and happiness. Recently, I’ve been wondering if there was something... »

Finding God

Finding God

Ronan Keane

Trying to describe God can be a challenging prospect. There are so many sides to His personality, and He’s so much greater and more profound than we’ll ever be able to gr... »

Overcoming crises

Overcoming crises

Ronan Keane

Are you worried about your future and that of your loved ones? Does it feel like your world recently came crashing down around you? Do you feel helpless, depressed, isola... »

Finding meaning

Finding meaning

Ronan Keane

One of the central questions that philosophers and theologians have struggled with for millennia is the mystery of what gives life meaning. Everyone wants to be happy and... »

Being a friend

Being a friend

Ronan Keane

When Jesus told His disciples, “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends,”[John 15:13 NLT] He was literally describing His upcoming death on... »

New beginnings

New beginnings

Ronan Keane

The new year is a good time to take stock of what we’ve accomplished over the past 12 months, to thank God for the blessings He’s brought our way, and to open our hearts... »

Birthday Boy celebration

Birthday Boy celebration

Ronan Keane

My entire life so far has been spent in the Northern Hemisphere, and as a result, my body clock is programmed to recognize dropping temperatures and shortening days as su... »

A walk with God

A walk with God

Ronan Keane

“If anyone says that they love Jesus,” the catchy song in my daughter’s Christian cartoon goes, “they should walk as He walked too. Walk and talk and be just like Him, in... »

Gaining control

Gaining control

Ronan Keane

Self-control is the ninth fruit of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22–23. Though it’s listed last, it’s clearly an important one. It takes a lot of self-control to manif... »