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Hard times

Hard times

Ronan Keane

At the time I’m writing this, my car has been giving me trouble. It’s been like this for a while; and whenever it seems like it’s fixed, it’s not long before something go... »

The challenge of change

The challenge of change

Ronan Keane

For many people, coming to know and accept Christ is a life-changing event. For example, immediately after he met and talked with Jesus, Zacchaeus’ entire life was turned... »

Mountain movers

Mountain movers

Ronan Keane

I’ve always wondered what Jesus meant when He said, “If you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it w... »

Our constant

Our constant

Ronan Keane

Ask anyone, and they’ll agree that today’s world is very different from the one our parents and grandparents knew. The funny thing is that the feeling is not new by any m... »

Building and strengthening

Building and strengthening

Ronan Keane

The Roman author Tertullian (c.160–c. 225), when speaking of the early church, reported that the pagans would exclaim, “See how they love one another!” Clearly the Christ... »

A timely test

A timely test

Ronan Keane

If you were to ask, I would have described myself as a fairly easygoing personality. I don’t get ruffled too easily and I don’t get (too) upset when things go wrong. When... »

Daily needs

Daily needs

Ronan Keane

When Jesus taught His disciples to pray, only one of the things He told them to ask for was a physical need—“Give us this day our daily bread.” [[Matthew 6:11]] All the r... »

Who is He?

Who is He?

Chalsey Dooley

Shortly after Jesus healed “great multitudes” and fed 4,000 people from seven loaves and a few fish, [[See Matthew 15:29–38.]] He asked His disciples what people were say... »

All winners

All winners

Ronan Keane

I have a confession: I really like to win! Whether it’s at sports, a board game, or—unfortunately—a disagreement, my competitiveness comes to the fore and I have to try t... »

How much is enough?

How much is enough?

Ronan Keane

God recognizes our material needs, and His Word contains plenty of promises of supply, even in abundance. [[See Proverbs 10:22 and Phillipians 4:19.]] But Jesus also warn... »

A different kind of wish

A different kind of wish

Ronan Keane

No one knows what the future holds. We’re quick to wish a “happy new year” on January 1st, but we actually have very little control over how things will play out. “You do... »

Magical season

Magical season

Ronan Keane

A few years ago, a very talented friend of mine spent untold hours building a wonderfully intricate Christmas model out of salt dough. The centerpiece was the stable, but... »

The right choice

The right choice

Ronan Keane

At two years of age, my daughter Audrey has entered the delightful world of making choices—and making them known, usually, it seems, as loudly and emphatically as possibl... »