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Give love by receiving love

Give love by receiving love

Sally García

The Bible says we are to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. But what about letting our neighbor love us as he loves himself? This is difficult for many of us. We con... »

Our identity

Our identity

Sally García

At the close of the year I think about the negative habits that I would like to shed and the better habits that I would like to form. I have a “blank book” of 365 pages s... »

Never say never

Never say never

Sally García

I’ve had to eat my words so many times that I’ve finally stopped saying the word “never.” Almost every time I vowed, “I’m never going to do that!” I ended up doing just w... »

I am not alone

I am not alone

Sally García

When I started college, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life; it was just the next logical step. At the time I was dabbling in the hippy lifestyle and drugs. My... »

The friendship book

The friendship book

Sally García

I bought a little book at a secondhand fair titled The Friendship Book. The author, H.L. Gee, under the pseudonym of Francis Gay, published one every year beginning in 19... »

The hope of heaven

The hope of heaven

Sally García

“To everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. A time to be born, and a time to die,” wrote Solomon [[Ecclesiastes 3:1–2]]. It seems that thi... »

Love loves the unlovely

Love loves the unlovely

Sally García

In every classroom there is a student who is harder to love than the others; the rougher kid, the sullen kid, the disobedient kid, the one that is always out of step with... »

Christmas hope

Christmas hope

Sally García

In February 2010, an earthquake and tsunami struck Constitución, Chile. The next Christmas, some friends and I planned to take boxes of aid to the many families who were... »

He remembered

He remembered

Sally García

“I met one of your former students at a party last night. We were talking about you,” wrote a friend of mine in an email. “He told me that you taught him to read.” Immedi... »

The pillar that moved

The pillar that moved

Sally García

Every once in a while, my husband mentions another move he’s thought of, and I feel my stomach tighten. They say women are “nesters,” and sure enough, for me moving usual... »

Tools for life

Tools for life

Sally García

Maria Montessori was born in Italy in 1870. As a young adult, she had an inquisitive mind and was on a path that would open the door for modern education. Within her stud... »

The faithful One

The faithful One

Sally García

One of my favorite verses comes right around the middle of the Bible: “It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in people.”[[Psalm 118:8 NLT]] The entire psa... »

Amazed, treasured, and pondered

Amazed, treasured, and pondered

Sally García

[After hearing the angel announce the birth of Christ, the shepherds] hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger.  When they had see... »