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The unselfish life

The unselfish life

Peter Amsterdam

Unselfishness isn’t just about giving money. Sometimes it’s easier to give money than to give of ourselves. To give our time, attention, sympathy, understanding, and pray... »

Feeling unsettled?

Feeling unsettled?

Peter Amsterdam

In Philippians 4:6–7, the apostle Paul instructs the church: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present... »



Peter Amsterdam

I once saw a TV show set in Great Britain during the early part of World War II. The Nazis had defeated France, and the British expected imminent invasion. For some, the... »

The power of one

The power of one

Peter Amsterdam

God knows everything about us as individuals. He knows our frame. He knows what we’re capable of. He knows our gifts, talents, weaknesses, and strengths. And despite what... »

Looking for inspiration

Looking for inspiration

Peter Amsterdam

Inspiration infuses you with renewed zest for life. It influences, moves, or guides you to action. But we all have times when we hit the inspiration skids; when we not on... »

A prayer list for the new year

A prayer list for the new year

Peter Amsterdam

There’s something special about the beginning of a new year. Even though January 1st follows December 31st the same as any day follows the previous one, to many of us, en... »

Health and fitness

Health and fitness

Peter Amsterdam

Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit,[[See 1 Corinthians 3:16–17.]] and God has commissioned us to care for them well and faithfully. Jesus paid the ultimate pric... »

God’s love for humankind

God’s love for humankind

Peter Amsterdam

God’s unconditional love has no bounds, is unchanging and without limitations. It is given freely, no matter what. Each of us has sinned, and sin brings separation from G... »

Christian character

Christian character

Peter Amsterdam

A key factor in becoming like Jesus is developing godly character. This article will focus on character traits that Scripture identifies as those that Christians should e... »

Making godly decisions

Making godly decisions

Peter Amsterdam

One of the traits of humankind, as beings created in the image of God, is free will, which includes both the ability to make decisions and the responsibility for the outc... »

Unconditional love

Unconditional love

Peter Amsterdam

When I think about how to sum up who God is in a single phrase, “unconditional love” comes to mind. Of course, God is many things and cannot be confined to one phrase or... »

Never ever quit!

Never ever quit!

Peter Amsterdam

Life is hard sometimes. When you’ve worked as hard as you possibly could and yet you failed to make the grade, your dreams remain out of reach, and you feel you just can’... »

Raising the sails

Raising the sails

Peter Amsterdam

Anything that we want to do well at in life requires effort, including growing in Christlikeness. It takes work to consciously and deliberately develop godly beliefs, hab... »