God’s Christmas gift
Christmas celebrates the most important birth in human history, when the Creator of the universe entered our world in bodily form as both God and man in Jesus. An angel a... »
Peter Amsterdam has been active in Christian service since 1971. In 1995 he became co-director (together with his wife, Maria Fontaine) of the Christian community of faith known as the Family International. He has authored a variety of articles on Christian faith and theology. (Articles by Peter Amsterdam used in Activated are adapted.)
Christmas celebrates the most important birth in human history, when the Creator of the universe entered our world in bodily form as both God and man in Jesus. An angel a... »
Christian joy is intimately connected to faith, hope, and gratefulness. It’s about taking a long-range view of life that is based on faith in God, trust in what He has to... »
All throughout history, people have marked great advances, victories, and momentous occasions with celebration—some of which continue till today, such as birthdays, anniv... »
“If you abide in My word,” Jesus said, “you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”[[John 8:31–32]] We all know that co... »
When the apostle Paul was writing about living a godly life, he listed what he called the “works of the flesh,” which included things like enmity, strife, jealousy, fits... »
During an especially busy time, I had a perspective adjustment that changed my outlook for the better. I was involved in several major projects, had a huge amount of work... »
In Luke chapter 15, Jesus told the following story: There was a man who had two sons. And the younger of them said to his father, “Father, give me the share of property t... »
Each person is different and has different gifts and callings. God knew what He was doing when He made you the way you are, and He wants to use the talents He has given y... »
Time is one thing that you can never get back again. The Bible talks about “redeeming the time” or “making the best use of the time.”[[Ephesians 5:16 ESV]] That calls for... »
One key element in our pursuit of Christlikeness is emulating the humility of Jesus. In the ancient world of the Greeks and Romans, humility was seen as a negative trait.... »
The Gospels describe Jesus being whipped, beaten, and then nailed to a cross. As He hung there, waiting to die, some of His last words were “Father, forgive them.”[[Luke... »
Unselfishness isn’t just about giving money. Sometimes it’s easier to give money than to give of ourselves. To give our time, attention, sympathy, understanding, and pray... »