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The evolution of a mother

The evolution of a mother

Marie Alvero

(Written in early 2008) When my husband Sean and I had only one child, I thought I had a handle on parenting. I needed to adapt and bend and give up some of my independen... »

The teenager

The teenager

Marie Alvero

There are hundreds of books and blogs on raising children. You can find umpteen ways to sleep train your baby, wear your baby, feed your toddler, teach kids to read, and... »

Motivating rewards

Motivating rewards

Marie Alvero

“We have to pay for school lunches this year,” my daughter informed me after the first day of school. I already knew this. During the previous school year, the school dis... »

We know the ending

We know the ending

Marie Alvero

I’m the gal who likes to read the last page of the book. I like to know the ending before I commit to reading the entire story. I enjoy looking up spoilers while watching... »

Number my days

Number my days

Marie Alvero

Psalm 90 is a beautiful prayer by Moses that includes the line, “Teach us to number our days so we can have a wise heart.”[[Psalm 90:12 CEB]] I think what it’s saying her... »

That big love

That big love

Marie Alvero

“Above all things have fervent love for one another, for ‘love will cover a multitude of sins.’”[[1 Peter 4:8]] I have always been aware of love overlooking mistakes, ina... »

The book of Ruth

The book of Ruth

Marie Alvero

The Book of Ruth is a neat little nugget tucked away in the historical part of the Bible. It’s only four chapters, told in the narrative. One of the interesting things ab... »

Meeting Jesus

Meeting Jesus

Marie Alvero

What about when Christmas comes along and you’re sad, grieving, or alone—or when, instead of anticipation and excitement, you feel dread and loss? You know this is suppos... »



Marie Alvero

During a recent work evaluation, I was surprised to receive the feedback that my coworkers do not find me especially encouraging. This hit me hard, because I’ve always co... »

The conclusion

The conclusion

Marie Alvero

The book of Ecclesiastes is a wonderful read when I get overwhelmed with the big questions—what’s the meaning of life, what does God want from me, how should I react to t... »

Cast a wide net

Cast a wide net

Marie Alvero

I love doing something kind when it really hits the spot. I will spend hours finding the perfect birthday gift to give a friend, or the exact right thing to say in a text... »



Marie Alvero

Today I’m sitting at my desk, looking out my window at what may be one of the last of summer’s best days. The first cold front is expected next week, and I’m already brac... »

The widow of Zarephath

The widow of Zarephath

Marie Alvero

The Bible records many passages on generosity. It’s an important trait of the Christian life, and as followers of Jesus, we are called to be generous, joyful givers. But... »